Day 25 – Future-proofing the Raku Programming Language

Around this time last year, Jonathan Worthington was writing their Advent Post called Reminiscence, refinement, revolution. Today, yours truly finds themselves writing a similar blog post after what can only be called a peculiar year in the world. The Language Visible Changes The most visible highlights in the Raku Programming Language are basically: last / next with a value Normally, last just stopsContinue reading “Day 25 – Future-proofing the Raku Programming Language”

Day 24 – Packaging and unpackaging real good

After all Rakuing along all Christmas, Santa realizes it’s a pretty good idea to keep things packed and ready to ship whenever it’s needed. So it looks at containers. Not the containers that might or might not actually be doing all the grunt work for bringing gifts to all good boys and girls in theContinue reading “Day 24 – Packaging and unpackaging real good”

Day 23 – The Life of Raku Module Authoring

by Tony O’Dell Hello, world! This article is a lot about fez and how you can get started writing your first module and making it available to other users. Presuming you have rakudo and zef installed, install fez! Make sure that the last line is in your $PATH so the next set of commands all run smoothly. Now we can start writing the actualContinue reading “Day 23 – The Life of Raku Module Authoring”

Day 20 – Create beautiful text charts

Santa got his weekly gift-wrapping report from the Gift Wrapping department. It contained lots of numbers Every number corresponded to the gifts wrapped by every elf in the department in alphabetical order, starting with Alabaster Snowball, and continuing with Bushy Evergreen. But numbers don’t sing, and that made Santa not sing either. A simple wayContinue reading “Day 20 – Create beautiful text charts”

Day 19 – Let it Cro

Ah, advent. That time of year when the shops are filled with the sound of Christmas songs – largely, the very same ones they played when I was a kid. They’re a bit corny, but the familiarity is somehow reassuring. And what better way to learn about this year’s new Cro features than through the words ofContinue reading “Day 19 – Let it Cro”

Day 18 – Santa and the Magic Tree (M-Tree)

It was Christmas Eve in the Workhouse and Santa was getting worried about how the weight of all those presents would reduce the height of his sled’s flighpath. Would he be able to clear the height of the tallest Christmas trees on his worldwide journey? He asked one of his helpers to whip up aContinue reading “Day 18 – Santa and the Magic Tree (M-Tree)”

Day 17 – Generic data structure traversals with roles and introspection

Generic datastructure traversals with roles and introspection I am a lambdacamel and therefore I like to adapt concepts and techniques from functional programming, and in particular from the Haskell language, to Raku. One of the techniques that I use a lot is generic traversals, also known as “Scrap Your Boilerplate” after the title of theContinue reading “Day 17 – Generic data structure traversals with roles and introspection”