Day 18 – Dissecting the Go-Ethereum keystore files using Raku tools

Generally the Ethereum (Web3) keystore file is a kind of container for the private key, it has the specific structure mostly related to encryption details. Actually you will not find the private key there as a plain text, but the keystore file has everything to decrypt the private key… with some tricks surely. When youContinue reading “Day 18 – Dissecting the Go-Ethereum keystore files using Raku tools”

Day 16: Santa CL::AWS (part 2)

… in Part 1 of this winter drama, we left Mrs CL::AWS in a pickle. The story so far: the elves needed to rebuild their eChristmas website on AWS EC2 – Mrs CL::AWS had quickly whipped up a minimal raku script to use the AWS CLI with a basic procedural coding approach and shell executionContinue reading “Day 16: Santa CL::AWS (part 2)”

Day 14: Trove – yet another TAP harness

Since the early Pheix versions, I have paid a lot of attention to testing system. Initially it was a set of unit tests – I tried to cover a huge range of units like classes, methods, subroutines and conditions. In some cases I have combined unit and functional testing within one .t file, like it’sContinue reading “Day 14: Trove – yet another TAP harness”

Day 10: SparrowCI pipelines cascades of fun

Remember the young guy in the previous SparrowCI story? We have not finished with him yet … Because New Year time is coming and brings us a lot of fun, or we can say cascades of fun … So, our awesome SparrowCI pipelines plumber guy is busy with sending the gift to his nephew: sparrow.yaml:Continue reading “Day 10: SparrowCI pipelines cascades of fun”

Day 7: .hyper and Cro

or How (not) to pound your production server (and to bring on the wrath of the Ops) So, I’m a programmer and I work for a government TI “e-gov” department. My work here is mostly comprised of one-off data-integration tasks (like the one in this chronicle) and programming satellite utilities for our Citizen Relationship ManagementContinue reading “Day 7: .hyper and Cro”

Day 4: Give the gift of time

Lately, Santa was getting lots of letters that went a bit like this Dear Santa: I’ve been mostly good, with 98% coverage this year, so what I want for Christmas is… time. You know, I have great Rakulang GitHub Actions for stuff, but when I need to install some external package and also many distributions,Continue reading “Day 4: Give the gift of time”

Day 3: Santa and the Rakupod Wranglers

Santa’s world was increasingly going high-tech, and his IT department was polishing off its new process that could take the millions of letters received from boys and girls around the world, scan them into digital form with state-of-the-art optical character recognition hardware, and produce outputs that could greatly streamline the Santa Corporation’s production for ChristmasContinue reading “Day 3: Santa and the Rakupod Wranglers”

Day 1: SparrowCI pipelines for everything

New year is a fun time when the whole family gets together by a table and eat holiday dinner. Let me introduce some fun and young member of a Raku family – a guy named SparrowCI – super flexible and fun to use CI service. To find SparrowCI lad – go to web siteContinue reading “Day 1: SparrowCI pipelines for everything”

Day 25 – Future-proofing the Raku Programming Language

Around this time last year, Jonathan Worthington was writing their Advent Post called Reminiscence, refinement, revolution. Today, yours truly finds themselves writing a similar blog post after what can only be called a peculiar year in the world. The Language Visible Changes The most visible highlights in the Raku Programming Language are basically: last / next with a value Normally, last just stopsContinue reading “Day 25 – Future-proofing the Raku Programming Language”