Day 23 – Optimizing Raku programs with Zig

The wind blows snow from across the glowing windows of Santa’s front office, revealing a lone elf sitting in front of a computer. She looks despondent, head in hands, palms rubbing up against eyes, mouth yawning… Tikka has been working double shifts to finish the new package address verification mechanism. There have been some unfortunateContinue reading “Day 23 – Optimizing Raku programs with Zig”

Day 19 – Autogenerating Raku bindings!

by Dan Vu Preface For this advent post I will tell you about how I got into the Raku Programming Language and my struggles of making raylib-raku bindings. I already have some knowledge about C, which helped me tremendously when making the bindings. I won’t explain much about C passing by value or passing by reference.Continue reading “Day 19 – Autogenerating Raku bindings!”

Day 9: Getting Windows Memory Usage with NativeCall

Raku NativeCalls provide a way to interact with dynamic libraries that follow the C calling convention and are very useful for obtaining information from the operating system, such as memory usage. In this article we will see how to get the memory usage from a Windows system. The MEMORYSTATUSEX C++ structure Win32 API provides theContinue reading “Day 9: Getting Windows Memory Usage with NativeCall”

Day 13 – A Little R&R

A Little R&R Introduction Raku is a really nice language. Versatile, expressive, fast, dwimmy. The only problem I sometimes have with it is that it can be a little slow. Fortunately that can easily be solved by the NativeCall interface, which makes it easy to call C code in your Raku program. Now, as niceContinue reading “Day 13 – A Little R&R”