Day 19 – Autogenerating Raku bindings!

by Dan Vu


For this advent post I will tell you about how I got into the Raku Programming Language and my struggles of making raylib-raku bindings. I already have some knowledge about C, which helped me tremendously when making the bindings. I won’t explain much about C passing by value or passing by reference. So I suggest learning a bit of C if you are more interested.

Encountering Raku

I discovered Raku by coincidence in a Youtube video and I got intrigued by how expressive it is. While reading through the docs, the feature that caught my eye was the first class support for grammars!

Trying out the grammar was very intuitive if you have worked with some parser generator where EBNF is used, then it should be quite similar. I will definitely make a toy compiler/interpreter using Raku at some point. Before doing that I wanted to make a chip-8 emulator in Raku and want Raylib for rendering since I have used it before. Sadly there was no bindings for it in raku, but then maybe I could make the bindings?

Making native bindings

So I got a bit sidetracked from making the emulator and began reading through the docs for creating the bindings using Raku NativeCall. I began translating some simple functions in raylib.h to Raku Nativecall. My first attempt was something like this:

use NativeCall;

constant LIBRAYLIB = '';

class Color is export is repr('CStruct') is rw {
has uint8 $.r;
has uint8 $.g;
has uint8 $.b;
has uint8 $.a;

sub InitWindow(int32 $width, int32 $Height, Str $name) is native(LIBRAYLIB) {*}
sub WindowShouldClose(--> bool) is native(LIBRAYLIB) {*}
sub BeginDrawing() is native(LIBRAYLIB) {*}
sub EndDrawing() is native(LIBRAYLIB) {*}
sub CloseWindow() is native(LIBRAYLIB) {*}
sub ClearBackground(Color $color) is native(LIBRAYLIB) {*}

my $white = => 255, g => 255, b => 255, a => 255);
InitWindow(800, 450, "Raylib window in Raku!");
while !WindowShouldClose() {

Yay we got a window!

But something is clearly off, the background wasn’t white as I defined it to be.

It turns out that ClearBackground expects Color as value type as shown below:

RLAPI void ClearBackground(Color color);       

The problem is Raku NativeCall only supports passing as a reference, not by value!

After asking the community for guidance, I got the solution to pointerize the function. Meaning we need to make a new wrapper function example: ClearBackground_pointerized(Color* color) which takes Color as a pointer and then call the original function with the dereferenced value:

void ClearBackground_pointerized(Color* color)

Since Color must be pointer we need to allocate it on the heap using C‘s malloc function. We need to expose a malloc_Color function in C-intermediate code to be able to call this from Raku.

Color* malloc_Color(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
Color* ptr = malloc(sizeof(Color));
ptr->r = r;
ptr->g = g;
ptr->b = b;
ptr->a = a;
return ptr;

If you malloc you also need to free it, or else we will memory leak. We need to expose another function for calling free on Color.

void free_Color(Color* ptr){

To make this more Object-Oriented we supply the Color class with an init method for mallocing it on the heap. We handle freeing Color by using the submethod DESTROY, whenever the GC decides to collect the resource it will also free Color from the heap.

class Color is export is repr('CStruct') is rw {
has uint8 $.r;
has uint8 $.g;
has uint8 $.b;
has uint8 $.a;
method init(uint8 $r,uint8 $g,uint8 $b,uint8 $a --> Color) {
submethod DESTROY {

The intermediate C-code of course needs to also be compiled into the raylib library.

$ gcc -g -fPIC intermediate-code.c -lraylib -o modified/

Let’s try again:

# using the modified
constant LIBRAYLIB = 'modified/';
# Not using init to malloc
my $white = Color.init(r => 255, g => 255, b => 255, a => 255);
InitWindow(800, 450, "Raylib window in Raku!");
while (!WindowShouldClose()) {

Yes now it works as expected!

All this work has to be done for every function that is using values for arguments. Looking at raylib.h. That’s many functions!

Maybe that’s a reason for why nobody has made bindings for raylib, because it’s way too tedious!!!

At that point I wished that NativeCall would handle this us and almost didn’t bother working on making the bindings.

Then I had a great idea! Raku has Grammar support! What if I just parse the header file and automatically generate the bindings using the actions!

Generating bindings

So I began defining the grammar for raylib and not for C, since that’s a bigger task.


grammar RaylibGrammar {
    token TOP {
        [ <defined-content> ]*

    rule defined-content {
        | <macro-block>
        | <closing-bracket>
        | <typedef>
        | <function>
        | <include>
        | <define-decl>
        | <statement>

    rule macro-block {
        | <extern>
        | <if-macro-block>
        | <ifndef-block>
        | <else-macro-line>
        | <elif-macro-line>
        | <error-macro-line>

    rule typedef-ignored {
        'typedef' 'enum' 'bool' <block> 'bool' ';'

    rule extern {
        'extern' <string> '{'

    token closing-bracket {

    rule if-macro-block {
        '#if' \N* \n? <defined-content>* '#endif'

    rule ifndef-block {
        '#ifndef' <identifier> <defined-content>* '#endif'
    rule error-macro-line {
        '#error' \N* \n?
    rule else-macro-line {
        '#else' \n?

    rule elif-macro-line {
        '#elif' \N* \n?

    rule include {
        '#include' '<' ~ '>' [ <identifier> '.h' | <string> ]

    rule if-defined {
        '#if' \N* \n?

    rule elif-defined {
        '#elif' '!'? 'defined' '(' .* ')' <defined-content>* <endif>

    token elif {

    token endif {

    rule statement {
        | <comment>
        | <var-decl>
        | <enum-var-decl>

    rule block {
        '{' ~ '}' <statement>*

    rule function {
        <api-decl>? <type> <pointer>* <identifier> '(' ~ ')' <parameters>? ';'

    rule parameters {
        | '...'
        | <const>? <unsigned>? <type> <pointer>* <identifier>? [',' <parameters>]*

Here is the full raylib grammar


Now we will define the Actions to handle the cases for converting C to Raku bindings.

Below is simplified pointerization logic which is extracted from the raylib-raku module that I made. The Actions just contain arrays of strings holding the generated Raku bindings and the C-pointerized code.

First we need to pointerize a function only if it’s a value type. So to deduce this type must be an identifier and pointer must be nil.

Using Raku’s multiple dispatch and where clauses is a very slick way to handle different conditions.

multi method function($/ where $<type><identifier> && !$<pointer>) {
my $return-type = ~$<type>;
my $function-name = ~$<identifier>;
my @current-identifiers;

# pointerizing the parameters which also extracts the identifiers
    # inside the parameters
my $pointerized-params =
     self.pointerize-parameters($<parameters>, @current-identifiers);

# then we use the current-identifiers for creating the call to the
    # original c-function
my $original-c-function =
      self.create-call-func(@current-identifiers, $<identifier>);

# creating the c-wrapper function;
my $wrapper = q:s:to/WRAPPER/;
$return-type $function-name_pointerized ($pointerized_parameters) {
return $original-c-function;

# when calling .made we convert it to raku types
my $raku-func = q:s:to/SUB/;
our sub $function-name $<parameters>.made() $<type>.made()
  is export
  is native(LIBRAYLIB)
  is symbol('$function-name_pointerized') {*}


Rest of the code basically handles strings creation according to the type and or if the parameter needs to get pointerized.

# map for c to raku types
has @.type-map =
  "int" => "int32", "float" => "num32", "double" => "num64",
  "short" => "int16", "char" => "Str", "bool" => "bool",
"void" => "void", "va_list" => "Str";

method type($/) {
if ($<identifier>) {
make ~$<identifier>;
else {
# translating c type to raku type
make %.type-map{~$/};

# Generating call to original function
method create-call-func(@current-identifiers, $identifier) {
my $call-func = $identifier ~ '(';
for @current-identifiers.kv -> $idx, $ident {
my $add-comma = $idx gt 0 ?? ', ' !! '';
# If it's a pointer then we must deref
if ($ident[2]) {
$call-func ~= ($add-comma ~ "*$ident[1]");
# No deref
else {
$call-func ~= ($add-comma ~ "$ident[1]");
$call-func ~= ");";
return $call-func;

# Generating pointerized parameters
method pointerize-parameters($parameters, @current-identifiers) {
my $tail = "";
# recursively calling pointerize-parameters on the rest
my $rest = $parameters<parameters>
      ?? $parameters<parameters>.map(-> $p {
           self.pointerize-parameters($p, @current-identifiers)
     !! "";
if $rest {
$tail = ',' ~ ' ' ~ $rest;

# if is value type, do pointerization.
if ($parameters<type><identifier> && !$parameters<pointer>) {
return "$($parameters<type>)* $parameters<identifier>" ~ $tail;
else {
return "$($parameters<type>) $parameters<identifier>" ~ $tail;

Again using multiple dispatch and where makes it easy to handle different C-types.

# Handling void
multi method parameters($/ where $<pointer> && $<type> eq 'void') {
make "Pointer[void] \$$<identifier>, {$<parameters>.map: *.made.join(',')}";

# Handling int
multi method parameters($/ where $<pointer> && $<type> eq 'int') {
make "int32 \$$<identifier> is rw, {$<parameters>.map: *.made.join(',')}";

# Handling char*
multi method parameters($/ where $<pointer> && $<type> eq 'char' && !$<const>) {
make "CArray[uint8] \$$<identifier>, {$<parameters>.map: *.made.join(',')}";


Generated code

The code above shows how we use the grammar and action to deduce the generating pointerized C-functions which was the most problematic case.

Of course we also need to handle malloc and free, callbacks, const, unsigned integers, and more. I left those out since I think the the code above demonstrates that we can use grammar and action to handle tricky cases for creating Raku bindings.

I took me about a week to finish the code generation logic. The generated Raku bindings are here and the generated C-pointerized-functions are here .


Overall it was a success!

By using grammar and actions we overcame the painful task of manually making the bindings.

Now Raku is also among the list of raylib bindings.

See if you are curious about the module.

The code isn’t my proudest piece of work, it was somewhat quick and dirty. My plan is to revise it and make the code generation re-useable.

After making the bindings I actually made the chip-8 emulator as planned.

Well that’s it!

Merry Christmas to you all!

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