Day 19 – Autogenerating Raku bindings!

by Dan Vu Preface For this advent post I will tell you about how I got into the Raku Programming Language and my struggles of making raylib-raku bindings. I already have some knowledge about C, which helped me tremendously when making the bindings. I won’t explain much about C passing by value or passing by reference.Continue reading “Day 19 – Autogenerating Raku bindings!”

Day 8 – Make it Snow 2.0: The Snowfall Strikes Back

Introduction Seven years ago I wrote a blog post on the previous incarnation of this advent calendar that demonstrated a new library I had written, called Terminal::Print, by making a (very primitive) snowfall simulator. However, I was never entirely pleased with the outcome, especially after I saw this video about an implementation in APL thatContinue reading “Day 8 – Make it Snow 2.0: The Snowfall Strikes Back”