Day 23 – Optimizing Raku programs with Zig

The wind blows snow from across the glowing windows of Santa’s front office, revealing a lone elf sitting in front of a computer. She looks despondent, head in hands, palms rubbing up against eyes, mouth yawning… Tikka has been working double shifts to finish the new package address verification mechanism. There have been some unfortunateContinue reading “Day 23 – Optimizing Raku programs with Zig”

Day 8 – Make it Snow 2.0: The Snowfall Strikes Back

Introduction Seven years ago I wrote a blog post on the previous incarnation of this advent calendar that demonstrated a new library I had written, called Terminal::Print, by making a (very primitive) snowfall simulator. However, I was never entirely pleased with the outcome, especially after I saw this video about an implementation in APL thatContinue reading “Day 8 – Make it Snow 2.0: The Snowfall Strikes Back”

RFC 43: Integrate BigInts (and BigRats) Support Tightly With The Basic Scalars

Intro RFC 43, titled ‘Integrate BigInts (and BigRats) Support Tightly With The Basic Scalars’ was submitted by Jarkko Hietaniemi on 5 August 2000. It remains at version 1 and was never frozen during the official RFC review process. Despite this somewhat “unoffical” seeming status, the rational (or Rat) numeric type, by default, powers all ofContinue reading “RFC 43: Integrate BigInts (and BigRats) Support Tightly With The Basic Scalars”