Day 6 – The Future Of POD6

by Kay Rhodes Some people believe that “code should be self documenting”. They believe that we don’t need inline docs because you can just look at the code and see what it’s doing. The reality is that everyone’s brain works differently. Everyone processes new information differently. My brain’s extra divergent. I have a working memoryContinue reading “Day 6 – The Future Of POD6”

Day 17: How to clarify which parts of the documentation change

Using Pod::To::HTML2 a new custom FormatCode, D<> (D for deprecation), can be made to help with the Raku Documentation process. The new FormatCode should show a span of documentation that is deprecated in some way. This happens a lot when Rakudo is being upgraded. However, people using older versions of Rakudo need to understand whatContinue reading “Day 17: How to clarify which parts of the documentation change”

Day 3: Santa and the Rakupod Wranglers

Santa’s world was increasingly going high-tech, and his IT department was polishing off its new process that could take the millions of letters received from boys and girls around the world, scan them into digital form with state-of-the-art optical character recognition hardware, and produce outputs that could greatly streamline the Santa Corporation’s production for ChristmasContinue reading “Day 3: Santa and the Rakupod Wranglers”