Day 19: A few modules to ease working with databases in Raku applications

There’s no single big Raku application I work on regularly at the moment, but there’s plenty of smaller ones that I need to do a bit of work on now and then. Nearly all of them involve using a database for persistence; I tend to reach for Postgres. This year I put together a fewContinue reading “Day 19: A few modules to ease working with databases in Raku applications”

Day 19 – Let it Cro

Ah, advent. That time of year when the shops are filled with the sound of Christmas songs – largely, the very same ones they played when I was a kid. They’re a bit corny, but the familiarity is somehow reassuring. And what better way to learn about this year’s new Cro features than through the words ofContinue reading “Day 19 – Let it Cro”

Day 25: Reminiscence, refinement, revolution

By Jonathan Worthington Raku release reminiscence Christmas day, 2015. I woke up in the south of Ukraine – in the very same apartment where I’d lived for a month back in the spring, hacking on the NFG representation of Unicode. NFG was just one of the missing pieces that had to fall into place duringContinue reading “Day 25: Reminiscence, refinement, revolution”

Day 18: What is my concurrent or parallel Raku program doing?

Raku makes it easy to introduce a bit of parallelism into a program – at least, when the solution lends itself to that. Its asynchronous programming capabilities also shine when building concurrent applications. During the last year, I’ve enjoyed employing both of these in my work. However, I also discovered that something was missing. ItContinue reading “Day 18: What is my concurrent or parallel Raku program doing?”