Day 8: I’ll Let You Know Later

Back when the web was young the only way that you could know whether a resource had changed its state was to manually re-request the page, this wasn’t really too much of a problem when there was only static pages which didn’t change all that often. Then along came server-side applications, the CGI and theContinue reading “Day 8: I’ll Let You Know Later”

Day 19 – Let it Cro

Ah, advent. That time of year when the shops are filled with the sound of Christmas songs – largely, the very same ones they played when I was a kid. They’re a bit corny, but the familiarity is somehow reassuring. And what better way to learn about this year’s new Cro features than through the words ofContinue reading “Day 19 – Let it Cro”

Day 20: A Raku in the Wild

Quite a while ago, Santa got a feature request for a web application called AGRAMMON, developed by the elves of one of his sub-contractors Oetiker+Partner AG in what then was called Perl 5. When Santa asked the elf responsible for this application to get to work, the elf suggested that some refactoring was in order,Continue reading “Day 20: A Raku in the Wild”

Day 8: Raku web templating engines: boost up the parsing performance

Modern Raku web templating engines A templating engine basically provides tools for effective metadata interpolation inside static files (templates). At web application runtime, the engine parses and replaces variables with actual content values. Finally client gets a HTML page generated from the template, where all metadata (variables, statements, expressions) has been processed. Raku ecosystem hasContinue reading “Day 8: Raku web templating engines: boost up the parsing performance”

Day 6: Declarative APIs, easy peasy with Raku

Raku APIs tend to be easy to read, with named arguments alleviating the need to remember argument order in method calls, for example. But sometimes a library author goes above and beyond to produce extra nice, declarative APIs. One example is Cro, a framework for writing HTTP-based services, which allows you to write things likeContinue reading “Day 6: Declarative APIs, easy peasy with Raku”